Kids Enrichment – BAZI / DNA Decode

Kids Enrichment – BAZI / DNA Decode

June 13, 2020 Kids Enrichment 0
kids enrichment


kids enrichment program

 kids enrichment program

Often, we hear from many helpless parents,

  • My kid doesn’t like to study…
  • My kid has no motivation in learning…
  • I plan to send my kids to learn either piano, drawing, robotic class or badminton but it’s hard to decide which activity suits them the most…
  • My kid is struggling. I do not know how to handle them…
  • I’ve tried various way to guide them but still it doesn’t work…
  • It’s so stressful to handle them especially I’m tight up with work and other matters…
  • I’ve given them my best but that doesn’t help

Kids struggle for many reasons. It could be related to their studies at school, their friends and social skills, their teachers’ expectations, their behaviour and attitude, with authority, with their health, with their siblings and sometimes, even with their parents, and this truly breaks parents’ hearts.

The Power Of LOVE: Love Leadership – Happy Kids Vs Command Leadership – Angry Kids

In many parenting workshops, “happiness, health, courage, strength, inner peace, wisdom, love and confidence” are the most precious gifts that parents want to give their kids to manage all the struggles in life.

In ZenModing, we focus greatly on Child Development“Peaceful Way To Happy Kids”. We help many parents to overcome challenges and difficulties with the right guidance. The best part is we help parents to present the message and information in a way that every child will be able to absorb and transform, regardless of age and ability, temper or skill with our customize child coaching program coupled with powerful personalized mindfulness manifestation meditation.

There is a saying,Although we can’t always choose what happens to us, we can always choose how to respond & react,”. “Children can learn to choose a loving & positive thought over an angry & disagreeing thought. When a child realizes that they have the power to positively impact themselves as well as those around them, it is truly empowering and perpetuates positive actions and interactions in them.”

Unique Meditation for both kids and parents based on spirituality power with MOQM Day Chart

What would the world be like if we were able to harness mindfulness and meditation from an early age. Here’s why we need to have our kids adopt a suitable regular personalized mindfulness manifestation meditation practice based on their DNA / Bazi and utilizing our powerful MOQM Day Chart [One of the applications that the kids can use to perform the meditation uniquely is based on the spirituality power specified in the Qi Men Dun Jia – will be shared in more details in later sub-topic under MOQM Day Chart] for kids and also parents to discover their spirituality power, instead of the usual painstaking practices like detention, being in the present moment.

Through meditation and knowing your child – their greatest strength & inner talent, this will allow them to achieve more in the long run and also allowing them to take charge of their own life by creating their best ever destiny.

It’s safe to say that incorporating our personalized mindfulness manifestation meditation into a child’s learning process is easier than we think because they have less mental barriers, biases, and pre-determined beliefs that allows them to experience a pure state of mindfulness.

There are some important values after kids practice of personalized mindfulness manifestation meditation;

  • Enhances Focus
  • Fosters Self-Esteem And Self-Love
  • Relieves Stress For Peak Performance
  • Supports Healthy Emotional Development
  • Enhances Empathy And Connectedness
  • Become better listeners
  • Regulate their emotions
  • Communicate effectively
  • Focus better
  • Become more compassionate and empathetic
  • Resolve conflicts with themselves and others.

MOQM Day Chart

(Qi Men Dun Jia)

What is Qi Men Dun Jia?  It is literally translated to Mystical Door to Thriving. It is an ancient Chinese war strategy only used by the emperors, kings, grand marshals, war advisers, chancellors, and prime ministers, due to its unique universal power or spirituality power.

Today, we can apply the similar technique to perform meditation uniquely for our kids.  Generally, there are total of 8 directions in a day, that our kids can perform their meditation based on the need. Each direction has its unique meditation power and can be described as follows:



These 10 different spirituality powers can be found in the Qi Men Dun Jia Day chart.

  1. Grandee – provides the power to the kids to get the noble help in achieving what they really need. It also provides the power to the kids to feel confidence to raise to the occasion.
  2. Nine Heaven – provides the power to the kids to visualise peace, happiness, achievement, or even abundance
  3. Six Harmony – provides the power to the kids to enjoy good relationship with friends, siblings, classmates, parents, or anyone.
  4. Nine Earth – provides the power to the kids to achieve calmness, compassion, and stability
  5. Moon – provides the power to the kids to learn new knowledge and new skill.
  6. Snake – provides the power to the kids to live in the environment that they feel safe, comfortable, and peaceful.
  7. Phoenix – provides the power to the kids to speak fluently and confidently.
  8. Hook – provides the power to the kids to feel protected in the mother nature.
  9. Tiger – provides the power to the kids to feel empowered in any physical related activities and sports.
  10. Tortoise – provides the power to the kids to think creatively.

FREE ACCESS TO:  MOQM Day Chart for Meditation Direction 

We are determined to guide children to be in touch with their true nature & their true power. Children are born with immense power so that they are able to find their “purpose and passion” in life.

Engage Us – We Empower Your Kids To Be at Their Best Potential

“1 – 1 Coaching”


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